a perimenopause WORKSHOP - april 27th | portland, me

Pause with purpose

An opportunity to embrace perimenopause as a stepping stone toward a vibrant and fulfilling future.

Does this sound like you?


You’re no longer able to multitask at home or work which leaves you feeling like you’re failing in all aspects of your life


Nothing has prepared you for the irritability and rage that sneaks up on you and results in behaviors you’d rather not talk about


You feel overwhelmed and puzzled by the abundance of contradicting advice and information on hormones.


Your waistline is expanding and the scale keeps climbing even though you haven’t changed your diet or your workouts


You feel like you have to work twice as hard to feel half as good and worried this is “it” 

Only $79 -Space is Limited

Let’s face it, in midlife, the terrain is changing, and so are you! 

What used to “work” is no longer working and your body is inviting you to pay attention and PAUSE.

You can try to muscle your way through it, trying any number of treatments, “biohacks,” supplements or diets to deal with the symptoms. 

Or, you can use this pause as an incredible opportunity to explore: what is beneath the surface fueling your symptoms, what’s no longer serving you and what do you want more of?

Because it is that information that enables you to craft a new map for your health and your life.

This workshop is designed to help you create a shift in awareness, understanding and intention moving through this midlife transition so you can invite more ease, freedom and alignment in your life with purpose.

spaces are limited, sign up today!

what to expect

Understanding the Changes: We'll delve into the when, how, and the WTF?!  of perimenopause and menopause so you are able to gain a deeper understanding of what's happening in your body and mind during this phase of life…and why “symptom management” is like playing whack-a-mole when trying to truly feel better.

Building Resilience: Explore techniques to enhance emotional well-being, promote mindfulness, and foster self-compassion as you navigate the emotional ups and downs of perimenopause.

Connection: Leave this workshop with a renewed sense of self, armed with knowledge and confidence to navigate this next chapter and connect with those on similar journeys.

“I benefited so much from the workshop and it really kicked into gear my self care regime.  I realized that is really the key to this time of life.  It was the push and clarity I needed. 

I am feeling great.  And, feeling really prepared for what is happening with my perimenopausal journey.”


This workshop is an opportunity to embrace perimenopause as a stepping stone toward a vibrant and fulfilling future. 

Join us on Saturday, April 27th from 9-11am at Rosemont Wellness Center in Portland, ME, and let's embark on this adventure together!

Your investment is only $79


Facilitated by Allison Poole, PT, MPT, WHC, owner of Koru Physical Therapy and Wellness.

Utilizing 20 years of clinical experience as a physical therapist, integrated women’s health coach, and her own personal health journey, Allison helps women invite more ease, freedom and alignment in their life as they move through the midlife transition with purpose


Pelvic Health and Perimenopause Coaching

Portland, ME

